Thursday, May 15, 2008

Day One

Got a decent start this morning.  We were planning on leaving by 8:30, but that became 9:30 due to the late delivery of my newest travel companion.

This is the machine I will be using to do my blogging/skyping while we are travelling.  Takes up less space than a book.  I love it already.

We drove roughly 550 miles today, ending up in Sioux City, Iowa for the night.

All in all, an uneventful day, mostly spent watching the scenery fly by through the car windows.  We will hopefully get an early start tomorrow morning and make it to Canada by early evening.


A journey is like marriage.  The certain way to be wrong is to think you control it.
 - John Steinbeck


Robin Meadows said...

Yay! You got the computer.

Love your quote! LOL

Abbi said...

Oh, goodie! You got to drive along the entire Nebraska border! Woo! :)

Great quote..will have to remember that one! :)